Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homework #4

Kimberly Torres


                                                             Homework #4

Chapter 9 Vocabulary words:

1. pattern - a repetitive design or giving an empty area or space visual interest 
2. tactile texture - texture that can be felt 
3. collage - a technique in which pieces of paper or objects are pasted down to to make a design or pattern
4. verisimilitude - creating the same patterns or textures where they don't really exist
5. visual texture - where texture is mostly visual and cannot be touched
6. frottage - rubbings
7. trompe l'oel - a french term meaning "to fool the eye"

1. three ways to define a pattern are adding visual interest to an are or empty space, repeated shapes or marks, dynamic visual interest
2. most patterns in grid form can show a sense of balance and order
3. the differences and similarities with pattern and texture are pattern is usually defined as a repetitive design and motif, texture as well but not with the same perfection. texture would be identified by touch  yet at the same time appear as pattern as well
4. texture can be used to give visual interest by variation of dark to light patterns, surface quality like such as smooth and rough objects, when an artist purposely exploits contrasts in surface
5. the difference between actual and implied texture is actual texture, or implied texture, can be felt whereas implied texture is purposely made to have a rough 3-Dimensional surface
6. a collage is where pieces of paper or other materials/objects are pasted together to create a design or pattern for example, Anne Ryan's collages made of cloth.
7. Trompe L'oile is a form of visual texture that objects are done with delineated and meticulous care and also show a visual pattern on each object

Chapter 12 Vocabulary words: 

1. value - from light to dark
2. value contrast - the relation ship between light and dark
3. value pattern - the arrangement of light and dark depending on colors used
4. value emphasis - high dark and light contrast pulls the viewer in
5. chiaroscuro -  a device used to draw lights and dark in to show depth and in both drawing and paintings
6. aerial - atmospheric
7. shading - the use of value in a work of art
8. cross-hatching - a technique in which lines are draw in a back and forth motion, used to represent various grays
9. mixed-media - where two different medias are used in a work of art

1. value is from light to dark and value scale is that shows a representation of value
2. achromatic scale only consists of mixtures of black and white
3. value contrast refers to the relationship between dark and light for example, depending on what background is being used for the grey circle, it may either appear light or dark
4. balance can be created in a composition with value by varying the amount of lights and darks within an image
5. emphasis can be achieved with value by using more dark colors instead of lights for example, using a lot of black can give a more bold effect such colors are used in Susan Moore's mixed media on paper which she used more black to emphasize more of her curves
6. chiaroscuro was used to describe the artistic device used of using light and dark to imply depth and volume in a painting or drawing and during the renaissance was when the word was first used
7. aerial/atmospheric perspective is when far-off objects visually become less distinct and are absorbed into the atmosphere as the distance increases for example, this is more commonly used in landscapes paintings.

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