Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homwork #3 definitions

                                                              Homework #3

Chapter 5/8: Balance/ Shape and Volume
1. The difference between balanced and imbalanced work is that humans we are instinctively more comfortable with a balanced environment/composition but when we notice something imbalanced we tend to avoid it or not look at it.
2. Artists mostly use horizontal placement but refer to vertical placement as well. Since horizontal placement  uses an equilibrium of gravity, it becomes of visual interest because we are used to seeing more weight towards the bottom then the top.
3. Symmetrical balance is when like shapes are repeated on the same sides on either side of a vertical axis. A perfect example of this is would be Diego Rivera's painting “El Vendedor De Alcatraces”.
4. Asymmetrical balance can be achieved by with objects that aren't similar but have equal visual weight or visually appealing. Value such as black against white is more noticeable than white and gray. Color is also good at composition and emphasis because there is balance achieved when there's a large portions of shapes on either side of the center axis. Texture could also add interest instead of something that appears smooth.
5. Radial balance is is neither symmetrical or asymmetrical balance but rather a type of symmetry that's in between depending on whether the focus occurs in the middle or off the center.
6. A good example of a piece of artwork is a piece done by James Gurney called “Ebulon”. This painting shows a successful use of asymmetrical symmetry.
7. A shape is usually an area enclosed by a line or by color or value changes on its outer edge while volume and mass are usually associated with three dimensional shapes.
8. Naturalism is a work of art such as a portrait that uses reasonable proportions and a given likeness. Distortion are exaggerated shapes that are stretched and altered in proportions.

Chapter 8: Shape and Volume
1. Non-Objective are shapes with no subject matter suggestion.
2. Curvilinear  is an object or line that flows along a curved plane or design that may be functional or aerodynamic.
3. Rectilinear is a term used to describe forms that have sharp edges or have an angular feel.
4. Positive and negative shapes is a visual effect that is caused because of its placement within the format.

Chapter 10:
1. three ways artist used to show depth is by size, overlapping, and vertical location.
2. One-point perspective is when an image shows the illusion of depth by an horizon line and vanishing points.
3. Two-point perspective is shown when two objects are parallel to each other or viewed at an angle.
4. Isometric projection is usually used in engineering drawings and gives a sense of three dimensions without forshortening.
5. Equivocal space is a visual pattern that uses overlapping of shapes.

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